
SPARK Grant Applications are open for the 2024-25 school year. 

The October Grant Cycle will be open from October 1-31, 2024. 

Each year, SPARK funds a variety of new and innovative programs that enrich the lives of  the nearly 90,000 students in Prince William County. These programs are not normally possible through limited school budgets.

Through its SPARK Grants Program, the Foundation invests in programs that directly and measurably impact student achievement. These programs may impact a single classroom, a team of teachers, an individual school, or the entire School Division. Whatever their size, scope, or purpose, they represent a profound belief that every child can be successful.


How to Apply:

Applications may be filled out online using our SPARK Grant Application hosted by Kaleidoscope. This third-party platform will take you through steps to create your login as part of your application. Applications can be saved and returned to while applying, before submission, during the open cycle period. 

SPARK Grant application cycles will run from the first business day of the month to the last business day of the month. Applications not submitted before the new cycle begins be lost and applicants may lose access to their application and have to start over. 

As part of your application, you will be asked to list your supervisor or principal and their email address so that we may obtain their approval as part of the application process. Their signature will be requested from Kaleidoscope via an automatic email. 

NOTE: Please let your supervisor or principal know to look for an email from Kaleidoscope so that they may sign the application before the deadline. Please be advised these emails sometimes go to the junk or daily digest folders.

If you experience trouble logging into your application, or you have trouble with the auto-email requesting signature of your Supervisor or Principal, please contact the Kaleidoscope Help Desk at



Applications should thoroughly explain all aspects of a project or program. All questions must be answered and a digital signature by a supervisor/principal must be acquired to be considered by the Grant Review Committee.  


Funding Priorities for 2024-25: 

This school year, SPARK asks that applicants consider how their program or project fits into the overall goals of the Division and SPARK.  

The application will require you to link your funding request and project to your school or department’s CIP and/or the overall “Wildly Important Goals” (WIGs) that have been determined by the Division. 

At this time, the WIGs for PWCS are focused on academic achievement for all, attendance, and continuing to increase on-time graduation rates.  

SPARK’s goals are summarized as SPARK’s Six Areas of Focus which are:  

  • Career Pathways to Global Citizens 
  • Educator Preparedness  
  • Innovative & Digital Citizenship  
  • Partnership for School Improvement  
  • Social & Emotional Learning 
  • STEM Education 

For more information about these areas of focus, please see SPARK’s full funding agenda. 



Applications will ask for information about the applicant, the proposed program, the proposed program timeline, and the proposed program budget. SPARK Grants fund programs up to $5,000. If your proposed budget is over $5,000, you will be asked to communicate in the application which costs you are asking for the grant to fund in an amount not to exceed $5,000. You will also be asked to explain where the rest of the needed funding is expected to come from.


SPARK typically does not fund the following items:

If your application includes any of the following line items, please be mindful that they will either be deducted from the approved funding total if the grant is partially funded, or the grant may be denied.

  • Stipends or Salaries 
  • Products to sell or send home with students permanently (items that become personal property)
  • Funding or fees for Guest Speakers
    • Occasionally, SPARK will fund a Guest Speaker if the application provides information regarding substantial before and after speaker-event activities that incorporate classroom learning objectives.
  • Field Trips
    • Occasionally, SPARK will fund field trips or transportation outside of a SPARK Grant capacity, or if the field trip is only a portion of a larger program initiative that can be explained thoroughly in the grant application.
    • Please note that field trips must adhere to all Field Trip Regulations and Procedures, and should not include any transportation requests outside of the use of PWCS Transportation (no charte buses).


Examples of Previously Funded Programs:

The SPARK Grants Review Committee is seeking applications that thoroughly identify a need and provide an innovative approach to that need. Examples of fully funded and exceptional ideas can be reviewed by downloading the SPARK Grant Examples (PDF).



Applications are due monthly and will be accepted until funds are depleted or through January 2025, whichever comes first. 

Applications are reviewed by the Grant Committee the following month received and awarded by the start of the next month.


  • Applications are due at the end of the month (Ex: September 30) 
  • Applications are generally reviewed by the Grant Committee two to three weeks later  (Ex: October 17)
  • Applicants are notified if they will or will not be receiving funding at the end of that month (Ex: October 31)

In the event an application is denied funding, the applicant can re-apply, if they choose. However, the applicant must fully reapply, as previously submitted applications will not be re-opened for re-submission. 

Please note the above timeline may be delayed during the holidays, so please allow an extra 1-2 weeks to review and process approvals/denials during the winter holidays. 


Awarded Grants & Reporting:

If your application is selected for full or partial funding, you will receive an email notifying you of the application's acceptance and the funding amount. This email will also include information about retaining necessary financial documents and requirements for the Final Grant Report detailing the outcome of the program.

Please note: Funds must be depleted within 90 days of disbursement. Any funds that remain after 90 days will be recollected by SPARK. If there is a reason the funds cannot be spent within 90 days, you must request an extension from the SPARK office.

A Grant Report that outlines the outcome of the program is required of all grant recipients. The report form will be sent to you from the SPARK office prior to its due date and must be completed by May 31, 2025. Failure to return the completed Grant Report with all necessary financial documents will result in an inability for you to apply for future grants.


Have Questions?

Contact us with questions by emailing